TU JE NOV BIZARNI TREND: Spoznajte vražje ustnice (FOTO)


Pojavil se je nov trend, ki bi ga mnogi označili za bizarnega. Gre za 'vražje' ustnice, za katere si ni dovolj le vbrizgati polnila v ustnice, temveč dobesedno spremeniti njihovo obliko. Zdravniki pred tovrstnimi posegi že opozarjajo.

Da na tak način ni primerno polniti svojih ustnic, je denimo opozorila dr. Krystyna, kozmetična stomatologinija in obrazna estetičarka iz Londona. Polnilo bi namreč lahko končalo v krvnih žilah, to pa lahko privede do nekroze - odmiranja tkiva.

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This trend is WRONG on all levels .. devil lips!? It looks unnatural and ridiculous. The clue is in the title really .. it is unnecessary disfigurement! Wether it is tattooing and/or filler .. it looks terrible. I thought it was photoshop and a joke for Halloween when I first saw it but apparently not. Please don’t be naive and follow silly trends like this. You will not be able to reverse it easily and go back to your natural lips if at all. Your lip border will be distorted and it won’t wear off evenly so you will have frilly lips for years to come. There are 20 more reasons I can think of. No one should encourage clients or teach this to practitioners and enable them to disfigure someone elses face deliberately. It’s not make up you can’t wipe it off. I have never even seen an Mua create devil shaped lips from make up unless it was perhaps for an editorial piece. I mean who would even be willing to try it? Was it founded by someone accidentally messing up someone’s lips? I don’t understand where it even comes from? This is really one of the worst aesthetic/cosmetic procedures I’ve ever seen #devillips #wrong

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Nekatere ženske v želji, da bi imele vražje ustnice sicer ne gredo tako daleč in obliko pričarajo s šminko, spet druge pa "le" s programom za preoblikovanje fotografij Photoshop.


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