TESNA VEZ, KI TRAJA ŽE 22 LET: Prijateljstvo primerja s tistim med lastnikom in psom (FOTO, VIDEO)


Potapljanje v globine oceana prinaša ne le osupljive podvodne pokrajine, ampak tudi nenavadna prijateljstva. Floridski potapljač Jim Abernethy je že 22 let tesno povezan s članom ene najstarejših plenilskih vrst - tigrastim morskim psom. Njegova zvesta prijateljica, dobre štiri metre dolga Emma, mu izkazuje naklonjenost vsakič, ko se srečata na območju Tiger Beach na Bahamih.

Njuno nenavadno prijateljstvo sega v leto 2001, ko ji je Abernethy odstranil ribiški trnek iz gobca. Kljub svoji velikosti in zloglasni reputaciji, da so tigrasti morski psi nevarni, Abernethy poudarja, da so čuteči in podobni domačim živalim. Emma je zanj ljubeča sopotnica, prijateljstvo pa primerja s tistim med lastnikom in psom, poroča The Sun.

EMMA Video by @jim_abernethy // EMMA has returned from her annual 2 month vacation! She is healthy, happy and pregnant for the 9th time since I've befriended her over 20 years ago! Here is a short clip to show this magnificent creature that is definitely one of the best shark Ambassadors for her species! We were fortunate enough to be able to spend 3 plus days & nights with her! More videos will follow! Many of you DM me since I announced it while I was on the trip! Thank You! I'm overjoyed at how many people love EMMA like I do! Would you like to see more EMMA videos? If your interested in joining me on a shark trip to see EMMA and her kind please Email my office at shearwater@scuba-adventures.com or visit my website at www.scuba-adventures.com She usually stayes at her home Tiger Beach till January every year. I'm delighted with everyone who helps me with our shark and wildlife conservation campaigns at the link in my bio and follow my nonprofit page @wildlifevoiceinc Thank you so much! Enjoy but Please Protect! @Jim_abernethy #EMMA #EmmatheTiger #love #gorgeous #ilovesharks #iloveEMMA #worthmorealive #savesharks #tigerbeach #epicencounters #loveEmma #bekindtoanimals #lovenature #sharklove #sharkaffection #sharktrips #shark #sharkambassador #epicencounters #bethevoice #Bethechangetheworldneeds

Objavil/a Jim Abernethy dne Petek, 01. april 2022

Emma svojega prijatelja prepozna tudi, ko je ta v drugačni potapljaški opremi. Skozi leta je razvila razumevanje Abernethyjevih gest in se odziva na njegove pozive za nežno božanje. Navdihujoča zgodba o povezavi med človekom in morskim psom nas opominja na čudovito naravo teh mogočnih bitij ter na možnost sožitja med človekom in divjino.

Emma Video by @rjmicklos from the trip I'm still on. // I thought you all might enjoy this hilarious scene of Emma stealing a camera from 3 days ago at Tiger Beach! While at Tiger Beach we had 8 to 9 tigers at the same time. In Bimini we had 2 different hammerheads although only one came in close and interacted with everyone! Please let me know your thoughts about this? Enjoy but Please Protect! @wildlifevoiceinc #EMMA #sharklover #ilovesharks #tigershark #tigerbeachdiving #epic #cameratheft #beautiful #lifechanging #love #sharklove #sharkaffection #sharktrips #shark #bethevoice #lovenature #Bethechangetheworldneeds

Objavil/a Jim Abernethy dne Torek, 21. december 2021

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