MODA V ČASU KORONE: Influencerji nosijo najmodernejše maske ta hip (FOTO, VIDEO)


Niti pandemija koronavirusa ne preprečuje nekaterim, da ne bi bili v trendu. Ob pogledu na te Instagram influencerje se zdi, da designerske maske postajajo obvezen modni dodatek.

V to najnovejšo tržno nišo so se vključile tudi največje modne hiše: Fendijevo masko denimo dobite za 180 evrov.

Veliko je povpraševanja tudi po obraznih maskah modne hiše Louis Vuitton.

Najsodobnejše 'modele' si lahko ogledate v nadaljevanju.

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Corona er blevet en realitet for danskerne. Det er NU vi skal stå sammen og vise at vi er i stand til at passe på hinanden. Det gør vi blandt andet, ved at følge disse simple råd: Vask dine hænder tit eller brug håndsprit. Host eller nys i dit ærme - ikke dine hænder. Undgå håndtryk, kindkys og kram - begræns den fysiske kontakt. Vær opmærksom på rengøring - både hjemme og på arbejdspladsen. Vær opmærksom, når du er på steder med tæt kontakt til mange mennesker. Vi må alle gøre vores, for at få udryddet denne virus. Sammen på kryds og tværs, er vi alt ♥️ #tinus #teamtinus #corona #virus #coronavirus #together #face #facemask #fashion #cabaretcorona #coronacouture #motherearth #rhinestone #rhinestones #coture #portrait #grateful ???????? Custom face mask by @the_tinus ???? Photography by @hoadadk ????

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Honestly, I wasn't expecting this flu situation to get so intense. Even though it doesn't seem like my home (New York) got hit as much as some other places, like Italy, Europe, Asia etc. It seems like in the US a lot of people are still in denial. I was in denial until recently since a few days ago my great-uncle in Italy has passed away within 3 days of catching coronavirus and now some of my other relatives are fighting through it????. So the sh**t got very real for me, very quickly. So please accept that Corona does exist, there's no denial and it is pretty bad. Try to limit your exposure to public places + make sure that you're washing your hands and keeping your hygiene to the top level. I wish everyone to stay healthy and well and get through this together and please accept my condolences to everyone who has lost their loved ones in this unexpected horrible ???? turn of events. Sending love to each one of you.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Please stop obsessing over toilet paper - it's not a stomach flu! . . . #coronavirus #corona #covid #coronaprevention

A post shared by Sasha Reheylo (@supahsasha) on

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Toilet roll, hand sanitiser, soap & pasta stockpiling aside.. #covid19 is causing a tangible sense of panic & disruption, both to our peace of mind & our daily routines.. . I’m not going to lie, I’m worried. Perhaps it’s the constant media coverage & talk, perhaps it’s the fact that I work in a public space & use public transport but it’s got me taking extra precautions.. if not for me, then for those I come in to contact with because you can’t deny it’s spreading & it’s taking lives. My heart goes out to China & Italy.. & to anyone who’s lost a loved one. If I infected my grandad for example, I would die of guilt before anything else because he’s old & vulnerable ???? . Washing your hands for 20 seconds at regular intervals, keeping your nails short, not wearing rings &/or wrist jewellery, sneezing/coughing in to a tissue & binning it (then washing your hands or using hand sanitiser) & avoiding travel + unnecessary public gatherings are all proven measures to reduce & contain the spread of infection.. . If you run out of/can’t buy hand soap, you can use washing up liquid because the virus has a fatty outer membrane & fairy liquid is efficient in breaking it down. We must be responsible & take precautions because this has the potential to really spin out of control. If you have symptoms, self isolate. I know not everyone gets sick pay & it’s difficult.. just don’t be one of those sh*ts who thinks going to work when you’re ill somehow makes you a more dedicated employee, it doesn’t. It just shows how egotistical, selfish & ignorant you are ???? . I don’t trust the government. Any government. I am unsure of exactly where & why this virus has spread like it has but I know it’ll be making a few people very rich indeed. Disaster capitalism, it’s a thing. We must look out for one another! . Racism is running rife, ignorance tends to bubble to the surface in situations like this & it’s never ok. Keep checking your privilege & don’t forget, the way we care & look out for the most vulnerable in our communities says a lot about us as a society. So share that toilet paper Geoff.. thank goodness diarrhoea isn’t one of the symptoms.. ???????? . Outfit details tagged!

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LV will protect me from Corona Virus right? ???? ???? @tair_marassulov

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